Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month; The Commodore of the club leads by example, usually he leads round the race track as well-Joe King.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

URGENT - SOMR catering numbers needed ASAP!

Hello Calling all SOMR participants !

We are in countdown mode to SOMR 2012. Geoff and myself are happy to provide breakfasts for the Sat to Monday mornings inclusive as done last year.

I would like to provide Gourmet BBQ Sat night with selection of quality meats from Barry Purcell, and selection of salads and desserts. On Sunday we would like to provide a sit down meal for everyone Sunday Night upstairs in the Hastings Yacht Club.

In order to keep the costs at reasonable prices I desperately need to know numbers of entrants and crews..the sooner i have this i can organised food etc....

Please can you let me know ASAP....Much appreciated
Regards Lisa

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sean Langman Guest Speaker.

Remember Everybody don't miss this years AGM. All the the fun of committee elections followed by a fantastic talk from Sean Langman.

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 16th of October.
Venue: RMYS
Address: Jacka Blu St.Kilda.

 By the way, Bare Essentials is back in town ready for another SOMR campaign. We all can't wait to get back on the water and whoop some farrier butt.... Bottom.