Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month; The Commodore of the club leads by example, usually he leads round the race track as well-Joe King.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Drinks

HO HO Merry Christmas, well it's that time of year again. Even though everybody is busy this time of year, some of the crusty crew were talking about Xmas drinks. How many are really interested???? Please write a comment below with numbers so we can organize a table at the Matthew Flinders, most likely next Wednesday 21st.

HYC Training Boat Cover.

The new cover for the HYC training boat has been ordered thanks to Nanna  Lisa Miller. We should have it by late December for the grand presentation at the next club race.

Geelong Race Week.

There's been lots of talk this year about how many boats will commit to this regatta in January. Even though its not the exact format we were after I believe around 9 boats at this stage will start. We have free birthing at Docklands for the Wednesday night followed by the Melbourne to Geelong Race on the Thursday. 
This will be a short 4 race series leaving sailing credits to do the Round French Island Race, Marley Point and National Regattas. Come along and join the fun.

Remember next Wednesday at the Matthew Flinders, comment below if you can make it for a meal or even a drink.